TerraUST De-Peg: InsurAce leads the pack as DeFi Insurance Faces Litmus Test.
TerraUST De-Peg: InsurAce leads the pack as DeFi Insurance faces litmus test. Read more here.
TerraUST De-Peg: InsurAce leads the pack as DeFi Insurance faces litmus test. Read more here.
Read here all the instructions you need to follow as a staker to get your compensation monthly.
As part of the recent UST De-Peg Claims, Vote and Payout, certain claims were rejected outright, and others were rejected by the Advisory Board pending a separate vote due to ambiguity in the cases. The second of these separate votes will take place in 24 hours’ time. Read more here.
Kindly find out below what we have achieved during the past 2 weeks: Product and Technology INSUR token model V2 and governance in development Ongoing SEO optimization Marketing and Business Development Published Compensation Plan for stakers who are affected by …
MIM (Magic Internet Money) lost its Peg against the Dollar on June 18th. Read this article to understand more.
UST De-Peg update. Read our process for claims that were rejected by the Advisory Board pending a seperate vote.
Read the latest information regarding UST Depeg. This post has further information of the results of the vote, appeal process and payouts.
At the request of our Stakers, we are opening a Bounty on the existing UST Claims.
Check here the steps you have to follow to vote FOR or AGAINST the Group Claims.
Our proposal for our stakers is finally here. Click in the image to know all the details.