Biweekly Updates (Sep 20 — Oct 03)

Kindly find out below what we have achieved during the past 2 weeks:

Product and Technology

  • Launched new insurance product: Stablecoin De-Peg cover and Bundled cover Read more
  • Completed technical deployment to Avalanche
  • Added NPS feature in dApp
  • Completed integration with Dune Analytics Visit
  • Completed integration with CoinGecko Read more
  • Bridge fee optimization
  • Internal RPC server path optimization
  • Ongoing SEO optimization

Marketing and Business Development

  • Partnership with SupraOracles Read more
  • Interview with PolkaCover Read more
  • AMA with GFS Ventures
  • AMA with PolkaCover
  • Listed on DeBank
  • Community activity: Price Prediction Challenge
  • Speaking at CryptoCom Conference

Press Coverage


  • Twitter followers: 16.3k
  • Telegram members: 12k
  • Youtube Subscribers: 2.27k
  • Instagram followers: 9k
  • Total Value Locked: $32.1M
  • Total Cover Sold: $87.6M
  • Total Premium Collected: $505.9k
  • Total Users: 12892
  • Token Holders: 6274

About is a decentralized multi-chain insurance protocol, to empower the risk protection infrastructure for the DeFi community. offers portfolio-based insurance products with optimized pricing models to substantially lower the cost; launches insurance investment functions with flexible underwriting mining programs to create sustainable returns for the participants; and provides coverage for cross-chain DeFi projects to benefit the whole ecosystem.

At the time of writing, has provided coverage to 70+ protocols, safeguarding over $87M DeFi assets on 8+ public chains. is backed by DeFiance Capital, Parafi Capital, Alameda Research, Hashkey group, Huobi DeFiLabs, Hashed, IOSG, Signum Capital, LongHash Ventures and a dozen of other top funds.

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