Guidelines for FTX Custodian Cover Claim Filing 

Dear Community,  

Following the collapse of FTX on the 11th November and our subsequent blog post about this incident. We are here to give information for policy holders on how to submit their claims.  

To discuss your claim with the team, you can use this Discord Server.  

Claim submission timeline & eligibility 

Cover holders holding an active cover on 11th November 2022 are eligible to file claim following the timeline below: 

  • Custodian Risk Cover purchased before 1st November 2022:  

9th Feb, 2023 to 1st Mar, 2023 23:59:59 GMT+8 

  • Custodian Risk Cover purchased after 1st November 2022:  

11th Mar, 2023 to 31st Mar, 2023 23:59:59 GMT+8 

List of cover holders eligible to file claim:  

Cover Holder Cover Start Time (GMT+0) Cover End Time (GMT+0) Cover Amount 
0xD4FF….4009 2022-01-19 02:00:31 2023-01-19 02:00:31 3,000 USDC 
0x4994….B8A2 2022-06-21 13:32:14 2023-06-21 13:32:14 44.7 BNB 
0x88B0….DE2e 2022-11-02 05:04:30 2022-12-22 05:04:30 1,500 USDC 
0x777C….cBAF 2022-11-06 18:03:00 2022-11-21 18:03:00 20,000 MATIC 

** Since FTX Japan KK has announced to return of assets to its customers, FTX Japan customers are not eligible to make claims. Kindly follow instructions in article below to request for the withdrawal via Liquid Japan: 

Notice on the return of assets to FTX Japan KK Customers 

Proof of Loss and Ownership 

** All documents should be sent to using the associated email address that cover holders registered for their FTX accounts. 

** Only the loss in the Covered Account as identified by the Covered User ID will be covered. If you haven’t added Covered User ID to the cover you purchased, kindly navigate to to add the User ID. Should you have any issues, you can head to the Discord or Telegram Community and ask the admin there for prompt help. 

Documents required: 

  • Account statements  
  • Withdrawal request confirmation email  
  • Screenshots of profile details show the User ID, KYCed information (Nationality), registered email address and account balance 
  • Any other supporting documents which can prove the loss 

Cover holders who haven’t retrieved or recorded the above documents to prove the loss before the FTX website shut down, kindly reach out to Kroll Restructuring Administration LLC through via Contact Us page and request for a statement stating your User ID, KYCed information (Nationality) and amount of assets held in your account while withdrawals were halted. 

User guide on how to file claim: 

** Kindly calculate your claim amount using the token exchange rate on 9th Feb, 2022 or 11th Mar, 2022. 

Reference: Cover Wording  

Claim Process: 

Contact information 

For any further communication with the team, please contact us via the following discord server: 

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