Kenneth Oh joins InsurAce as Advisor to Administer Legal & Compliance

Today, InsurAce is thrilled to announce that Kenneth Oh officially joins InsurAce as Advisor to instruct and administer on business-related Legal & Compliance affairs.

With the joining of Kenneth Oh, InsurAce’s businesses of DeFi insurance and investment services will be well navigated to counter potential compliance & legal related risks.

Kenneth Oh, Senior Partner of law firm Dentons Rodyk, a veteran legal practitioner since 1999, an expert in early/late stare private equity and public equity capital markets. Kenneth is also renowned for his extensive advisory experience in DLT initiatives including token offerings, equity investment, blockchain, digital asset exchanges & OTCs and digital asset funds. (More to read here: )

“Multi-billion value in digital assets are locked in and transacting on DeFi via smart contracts. Although the concept of smart contracts is not new, regulatory and judicial guidance on enforceability of smart contracts is limited. This coupled with the borderless and automated deployment of DeFi smart contracts — which are often open-sourced and with minimal or no human-actor or anonymous-actor involvement — present challenges for fault attribution and to pursuing and enforcement of legal rights when smart contracts associated losses arise whether due to protocol development oversight, hacks or otherwise. These challenges underscore the need and value proposition for InsurAce’s DeFi insurance solutions which I am privileged to have the opportunity to collaborate on development with the insurance industry veterans at InsurAce.”, said Kenneth Oh.

About InsurAce

InsurAce is a decentralized insurance protocol, aiming to provide reliable, robust and carefree DeFi insurance services to the DeFi users, with very low premium and sustainable investment returns. InsurAce’s highlights include “0” Premium, Enriched Product Line, SCR Mining and Sustainable Return. InsurAce’s mission is to redefine DeFi insurance and protect users from security risks with user-friendly product accessibility and capital efficiency.

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